Design Client Questionnaire

This questionnaire will help me get a better insight into your vision and what you are looking for. Please provide as much detail as possible.

Not all sections are required, so feel free to skip them if they’re not relevant, but the more information you can provide, the better starting point I’ll have.

Let’s build your design dreams together!


Please email me with any questions/problems at:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email Address (required)

    Your business name

    Domain Name of your website

    1. Site Structure

    Explain a little about your ideas for your site - what will be your main focus?

    Who is the target audience for your site?

    What is your main objective for the site (i.e. to gain more customers, to build an audience, to connect with specific people)?

    Do you have a tagline for your site?

    How many pages would you like to include, and can you give me an idea of them (About, Contact, Press etc)?

    If you're a blog design client, or require a blog as part of your site's design, do you want sidebars on the blog? If so, how many and what position (ie, left sidebar / right sidebar / both left and right / two right sidebars)?

    2. Design Aspects

    Do you have a logo/branding already set up? Feel free to give me some info either way and, if possible, attach a LOW-RESOLUTION file below [files should be jpg format, filesize limit 1mb - any issues, please send images as attachments to a normal email to:]:

    If you are looking to have a logo designed, please include a quick list of keywords to help with the style and elements you're looking for.
    A quick example might be: modern, circles, handwriting, purple, feminine, silver, bold...

    Please provide a list of any sites that you feel reflect your style and you like the layout of - it might be: 'the menu from', 'the colorscheme from', 'the fonts from' etc

    What top three colors would you like to see in the design?

    Do you (or will you, by the time of project commencement) have professional photography in place for the site?

    3. Functionality

    Do you require any e-commerce functionality on the site? If so, please give me a description of what you will be selling, how many items etc:

    Other functionality required:

    Image Slider (ie fading slideshow on front page or at top of blog)Image galleriesPersonal social media buttonsSharing social media buttons for each postPinterest pin it button on image hoverContact FormArchives listCategories listNewsletter sign up formNewsletter template/campaign

    Other functionality:

    4. Budget + Timescales

    Can you give me an idea of your budget for the project? ( can help with currency conversions)

    Can you give me an idea of your timescale and desired completion date, so I can factor this into the quote?

    5. Anything extra you'd like to add?

    How did you hear about Yellow Door Design Co.?

    Thanks so much for taking the time to fill out the questionnaire - I look forward to working with you and will be in touch with you as soon as possible,


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